Thanks to the contributions it receives from its members in Lieutenancies all over the world, the Order supports the activities and running costs of the Latin Patriarchate in Jerusalem. In particular, this means providing for the maintenance of the priests and nuns in the Patriarchate’s 90 parishes, funding the Seminary, paying school fees for the Christian students who attend the 45 patriarchal schools and financing the Patriarchate’s renovation and maintenance projects for parish churches and schools. In addition, every year, the Knights and Ladies of the Order send a substantial donation to be used for humanitarian aid and medical supplies for those Catholic families in greatest need. In 2018 the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem financed several projects amounting to € 2,634,080. The majority consisted of the construction of parish and school centres, the school renovations and the refurbishment of parish halls and presbyteries. The proposed projects for 2019 have been divided into three categories: Completion of Jubeiha Church in Jordan, near Amman.
Salaries of the teachers of the Patriarchate schools.
36 small and medium projects of up to USD 50,000 each.