Annual General Meeting 2014

Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem
Lieutenancy of Malta

On Sunday 2nd March 2014 Knights and Dames gathered at Palazzo Xara in Rabat for the Annual General Meeting. Initial prayers were followed by an introduction by H.E the Lieutenant Eric Fenech Pace who presided the meeting. Dame Commander Elizabeth Olivieri proceeded with the reading of the Minutes of the preious AGM. The meeting continued with the Lieutenant’s report for the year 2013, the presentation of accounts and the Calendar of Event for 2014.

From left to right- Comm Ray Cassar, H.E the Lieutentant Comm Eric Fenech Pace,Dame Comm Elizabeth Olivieri


Members of the Order together with their families took this opportunity to meet for lunch and get to know each other better in a more relaxed environment.

